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Staff page in helpbook
Assigning tasks to staff
Task skill requirement and progress bar

Staff are recruited from the Note Board. They come with predetermined Skills and a Trait. Staff slots are unlocked through More Staff Projects.


Skills come in the form of Cooking, Service, Cat Care, Cleaning, and Fixing. They can be increased by levelling up, which makes staff faster. Levelling up requires Staff Training Points. These are earned through completing tasks. Higher levels cost more Staff Training Points.

Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8+
Cost 1 1 1 2 2 2 3

Each task has a skill requirement shown as a fraction above the task. If this requirement is not met, the task is completed slower. All staff come with the Cooking skill but the rest are random and need to be obtained through "unlock" traits. Staff can be specialised to do or not do certain tasks by checking the boxes next to the skills.
Skill service.png Service: Enables staff to take and serve orders. They can also chat with customers to fulfill their Social need. End game recommendation: 18
Skill cooking.png Cooking: Once an order is taken, a task appears above the food's required appliance. More advanced recipes require higher Cooking skill. End game recommendation: 16
Skill catcare.png Cat Care: Lets staff refill food bowls and clean cat litter.
Skill cleaning.png Cleaning: Allows staff to clean toilets, spills, and trash.
Skill maintenance.png Maintenance: Required to fix appliances when they break down.


Level 8 costs 3 Staff Training Points
Details about a staff member in inspection mode

Traits boost or unlock skills. A new trait can be selected from a random group of 3 after every 5 levels. There are 15 staff traits.

Icon Trait Description Effect
Gregarious.png Gregarious Some people just have a way with words Enables Social skill
Caringcat.png Caring Cat Why else would you work in a cat cafe? Enables Cat Care skill
Cleaner.png Cleaner Can't just stand idly by while dirt and trash pile up! Enables Cleaning skill
Barwrench.png Bar Wrench Need somethin' fixed? Enables Maintenance skill
Socialbutterfly.png Social Butterfly You have a knack for making others feel comfortable +2 Service
Gourmand.png Gourmand You enjoy eating food almost as much as you enjoy making it +2 Cooking. Chance of using less ingredients when cooking
Gentle.png Gentle Your gentle demeanor can calm down the rowdiest cat +2 Cat Care, +1 Stress Release for cats
Neatfreak.png Neat Freak A champion of dusting +2 Cleaning
Greasemonkey.png Grease Monkey An expert in monkey wrenches +2 Maintenance
Nightowl.png Night Owl When the sun sets, they set to work! Hoot! +50% to all skills after 6PM
Barfly.png Bar Fly Has a vague but strong fondness for the color brown +2 to all skills when at least 4 pieces of Bar furniture is present in the cafe
Greaser.png Greaser Born with a pompadour, will die in a leather jacket +2 to all skills when at least 4 pieces of Diner furniture is present in the cafe
Hipster.png Hipster I'm sure you've never heard of them +2 to all skills when at least 4 pieces of Hipster furniture is present in the cafe
Magicallyattuned.png Magically Attuned Did a short exchange at Wrassleworth Witching University +2 to all skills when at least 4 pieces of Magical furniture is present in the cafe
Tea-rrific.png Tea-rrific Always a good time for a spot of tea with crumpets +2 to all skills when at least 4 pieces of Tea Room furniture is present in the cafe